I help Australian, Canadian and European companies establish a US presence, help them grow and expand, help them avoid typical legal pitfalls and solve their other US problems. I work in a practical and cost-efficient manner so my foreign clients can focus on growing US operations and increase US profit. I also work with Colorado business owners who want to sell or buy their businesses, need financing, want to expand overseas or complete other business transactions. I ensure that the transition for any Colorado and other US companies seeking to expand operations overseas is seamless and efficient by drawing upon my international background. I listen to my clients, address their concerns in a practical way, and complete their transactions in a cost-efficient manner, so my clients can focus on running their businesses and being profitable. Specialties: International and cross-border practice; Australia, Canada, Sweden, UK and rest of Europe, mergers and acquisitions, private equity, commercial contracts and leasing, corporate structure and planning and finance.
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