Estate Planning, Trademarks, Business Law, Probate, Intellectual Property, Energy, Oil & Gas Law
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Edmond, Oklahoma
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About Sarah Hartsfield
Sarah Hartsfield is a recognized attorney in the areas of Estate Planning, Probate, Business Law/Contracts, and Trademarks. She has over 14 years of experience helping families and business owners plan for their future and protect their businesses.
Sarah can help you with Estate Planning. Estate Planning is when you hire an Attorney, while you are alive, to prepare legal documents that help you while you are alive (POA, Advance Directive) and help your heirs divide up your property after you pass (Wills/Trusts/Deeds). When you do this your Attorney can also prepare documents to help you avoid Probate.
Sarah can help you with Probate. Probate is when someone passes away and leaves property that doesn't pass automatically to another person. A Probate must be opened so the heirs of the property can have legal ownership of the money, house, cars, and other property. Probate can be opened if someone has a Will or doesn't have a Will. She is especially experienced with probates involving oil and gas interests, minerals, and real property.
Sarah can help you with Business Law and Contracts. Sarah can set up your new business, draft an Operating Agreement for your business and advise and draft any other needed documents like an Employee Handbook, W-9 Contractor Agreement, Service Agreement, and Non-Discolosure Agreement. She can also help you with Succession Planning for your business, which is just helping prepare legal documents that help your heirs continue your business should something happen to the owner.
Sarah can help you with Trademarks. A Trademark gives you legal ownership of your name, logo, slogan (among other things) so that no other business in your industry can use that same name, logo or slogan. A Trademark adds significant value to your business and is important to do as soon as possible after starting a new Business.
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