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About Katie Robinson
Katie has accumulated a diverse resume in Texas estate and trust law with well-established firms. She worked as a trust administrator for a national bank, where she gained a unique perspective into the effects of different estate planning structures for high net-worth families. In 2014, Katie joined a law firm in Dallas, and as an associate attorney she represented a variety of clients in estate planning, transfer-tax and income-tax planning, probate, and federal taxation matters. In 2017, Katie accepted an associate attorney position at a Round Rock law firm, further expanding her experience by representing small business owners in estate planning, transfer-tax and income-tax planning, probate, federal taxation, business, and real estate matters. Katie has appeared before judges in probate matters in Dallas, Collin, Denton, Williamson, Travis, Upton, and Fayette Counties.
In 2018, Katie returned home to central Texas with her husband and established the Katie R. Robinson Law Firm, PLLC, a law practice focused on estate planning, probate, and elder law and serving clients in Williamson, Travis, Bell and Burnet Counties.
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