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About Joshua Pops
I decided to become a lawyer after many years in education in Los Angeles. I was everything from a substitute teacher with a Kindergarten class to teaching English and P.E. to students just out of juvenile hall or on probation. After my time teaching, I knew that I wanted to continue to help others, but in a different way. I attended school to become a lawyer, attending Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. I enjoyed law school incredibly, and also excelled at it. Being a lawyer continues that good feeling for me. I get to do something I am passionate about and work hard while also knowing I am helping others in the process. I earned my J.D. Degree from Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. While at Willamette, I was a member of Law Review and Moot Court as well as President of the Jewish Law Society. In my free time (such as it is), I like following sports and reading the original James Bond novels. I also believe that as a lawyer I should play golf and have a knowledge of fine wines, but those will have to wait for another day. Since becoming an attorney, I have been an active member of the local bar. I firmly believe that being involved keeps lawyers fresh and keeps them abreast of new ideas and innovations in their field.
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