Debra Synovec, founder of Whole Mediation, Inc., provides skillful mediation services in Seattle, Washington. Whole Mediation offers clients a progressive, productive, and peaceful process to resolve family challenges and create a more balanced, empowering approach to conflict resolution. Debra ‘s mediation and divorce consulting practice primarily concentrates in: divorce, premarital and post-marital agreements, parenting plans, cohabitation and LGBT dissolutions, estate planning, estate administration and small business disputes.?? Debra combines her unique skills acquired as an attorney, CPA and social worker to pragmatically and compassionately help clients address the legal, financial and emotional issues that come up so that clients are able to reach optimum solutions taking into account their children’s needs, their needs, their financial situation, tax implications and legal consequences. Engaging, caring and resourceful, since 1988 Debra has dedicated her professional life to helping people resolve their divorce and family issues in a respectful, dignified manner by providing mediation services. Debra has achieved Advanced Practitioner Member of the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) and is a Founding Member as well as an Advanced Practitioner Member of the Academy of Professional Mediators. Debra is trained in Collaborative Divorce Practice in which she cultivates durable relationships with attorneys, financial specialists, parenting specialists and mental health professionals; she participates as a mediator in Collaborative Divorce Practice. If you are thinking about divorce at any time before or after your separation to the final written divorce settlement Debra can assist you whether your situation is relatively uncomplicated or complex, while significantly minimizing the cost and stress of divorce. Divorce is a problem to be solved not a battle to be won…it is a family problem, not a legal problem. Divorce mediation is
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