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About Dean Hedeker
Dean Hedeker is a leading Chicago-area authority on estate and tax planning, business law and investments. A long-time resident of north suburban Lincolnshire, Dean has more than 25-years experience helping business owners and families grow, protect and pass on their hard-earned money through tax planning, estate planning and investment management services.
Dean is among a rare breed of professionals because he possesses wide-ranging experience and certifications in the fields of law, estate, tax and financial planning and accounting. Over the past 10 years alone, Dean has created more than 2,000 estate plans and every year he handles more than 300 complex tax returns for business and families. Currently, he manages the wealth of more than 80 hard-working families.
Dean is a Certified Public Accountant and has a B.S. degree and a J.D. degree (1981)-both with highest honors -from DePaul University. He is licensed to practice law in Illinois and Pennsylvania. He is also a Registered Investment Advisor and has served as an education advisor for the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys, of which he's been a member since 1994.
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