Write a review for The Law Offices of Curtis Bennet Ross, LLC
About Curtis Ross
Curtis Bennett Ross is a Cook County attorney who concentrates his practice on divorce and family law. Mr. Ross's background is in the business and financial sector. Mr. Ross obtained his CPA (certified public accountant) license in 1977 and is currently registered as a CPA in Illinois. Mr. Ross received his license to practice law in 1980. The combination of financial and legal education has served Mr. Ross well in that he has been recognized by the Court for his specialized business and financial knowledge by appointment of the position of a receiver and expert in family law matters. This distinction is unique and not one the Court often makes. These appointments are a vote of confidence in Mr. Ross' abilities and set him apart from his peers. Mr. Ross has given back to the community by lecturing on behalf of the Illinois State Bar Association in the area of family law and has also enjoyed full semesters of teaching in the areas of accounting and federal income taxation at the University of Illinois at Urbana. Mr. Ross enjoys a good reputation among his peers and other professionals such as mental health care providers and accountants.
Curtis Bennett Ross is known for representing a wide variety of clients, with a wide variety of issues. Mr. Ross has a consistent track record for success and works for his clients without compromising his ethical obligations. Mr. Ross enjoys recognition from the judiciary and serves as an officer on several committees. Mr. Ross has been given the highest Avvo rating of 10.0 and has a high level of industry recognition from his peers for his efforts. Mr. Ross's peers find him to be honest and knowledgeable, always staying on top of the latest legal developments. The Law Office of Curtis Bennett Ross, LLC is staffed with friendly professionals and uses up-to-date technology to meet today's innovative standards. Mr. Ross approaches each case from a position of respect; respect for his clients, the Court, and the other side.
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