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About Cathleen Norton
We understand that navigating the family court system can be quite overwhelming. The Law Offices of Cathleen E. Norton is experienced in handling any family law matter: Divorce, Child Custody and Visitation, Child Support, Spousal Support, Property Division, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders, Modification of Child Support, Modification of Spousal Support,Child Custody Evaluations, Move-Away and Relocation Requests, Paternity Actions, Domestic Partnerships, Uncontested Divorce, Legal Separation, Pre-Divorce Planning, Limited Scope Representation/Consultation. The Law Offices of Cathleen E. Norton is committed to providing you with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about your life. Our goal is to empower you. Our job is to protect you. When you retain the Law Offices of Cathleen E. Norton to represent you, we become your advocate. Working together, we are able to provide individualized legal advice that is not cost-prohibitive. By developing a comprehensive case strategy tailored to client goals, we attempt to negotiate settlement when possible, litigate when necessary. The strength of our approach lies in educating our clients about their legal rights, and empowering them to make informed decisions about their lives.
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