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Brenda Waugh

user icon Brenda Waugh, Attorney At Law, L.C.
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briefcase icon Arbitration & Mediation, Family Law, Personal Injury
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Leesburg, Virginia

About Brenda Waugh

Brenda Waugh cares most about one thing when she is working with her Brenda Waugh cares most about one She brings her passion for justice and her compassion to improve client’s wellbeing to every case she works on, whether it involves negotiating with an insurance company, mediating a conflict between co-workers or helping a family develop a future in a collaborative divorce. Brenda cares about you!
Brenda brings over thirty years of experience to this work. While she has ample experience in the courtroom as litigator, she has also received additional education and training in mediation and negotiation to broaden the skills she can bring to help clients solve their legal problems. She provides these options and works with clients to chart the best course for the client.
Brenda has litigated, negotiated, or mediated thousands of cases during her lengthy career. As a young lawyer, she worked with Legal Services as an advocate for victims of family violence and for consumers. Later, she litigated hundreds of cases, prosecuting offenders in cases involving child abuse \in both Kanawha and Berkeley Counties and winning several cases before the state Supreme Court.
After starting her private practice, Brenda determined that she needed to broaden her skills to provide clients with more options and earned a master’s degree from Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peace 2009. She has since mediated hundreds of cases, including those involving families, workplace disputes, small business, estate and probate disputes, and civil cases. In 2011, she added collaborative practices to the options that she offers when she completed training and became a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. Brenda has experience as counsel for the West Virginia Senate Judiciary Committee and as a clerk with the West Virginia Supreme Court. She has published articles in law journals and taught courses at West Virginia University and Eastern Menno

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