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Andrew Stone

user icon Stone Law, LLC
Practice areas
briefcase icon Estate Planning, Elder Law, Business Law
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Lakewood, Colorado

About Andrew Stone

Andrew enjoys meeting with people and talking with them about their lives and interests. Helping people be prepared for the future comes naturally and his attitude of respect for others and sense of humor provides a comfortable setting to discuss difficult topics like preparing for death and aging. He understands a solid estate plan will give you peace of mind, knowing that everything is planned for and taken care of when you pass away, and will work with you collaboratively to meet your goals. While much of this can be confusing Andrew is able to explain everything in ways that make sense so you leave knowledgeable and confident in your estate planning, elder law or business planning decisions. Andrew focuses on estate planning, elder law and business planning because he can practice law, but not in the traditional sense where we often think of courtrooms and adversarial drama. When working with businesses and families his goal is to alleviate or at the very least minimize any potential conflict or drama. Andrew Stone of Stone Law is a Loveland, Colorado native and a proud graduate of Loveland High. After high school Andrew attended Trinity International University before law school at the University of Denver, Sturm College of Law. He has practiced estate planning and elder law in Colorado since 2003. Andrew is an avid sports fan enjoying everything from baseball to football. Over the years he has built collections of Star Wars memorabilia, Legos, Vinylmations and other collectibles. He also enjoys spending time with his wife and two children hiking in the mountains and foothills or wandering around the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and the Denver Zoo.

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