I am the oldest of three attorneys in our Stroudsburg firm. We represent a significant number of post-developer nonprofit community associations in common interest communities (CICs) - Pennsylvania condominiums, cooperatives and planned communities. The work involves appplication of Uniform Acts for CICs; transition from developer control; project receiverships; association governance and operation; fiduciary duties; governing document opinions and amendments; covenant enforcement; strategic planning; ADR; sales of utilities, and other matters. I am active in the Community Associations Institute (CAI) and am a Fellow of the College of Community Association Lawyers (CCAL). I lecture frequently for CAI and for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute (PBI) as a panelist in CLE programs on CIC issues. I have published extensively on CIC topics for those organizations. I was the 2009 President of the Monroe County Bar Associaiton, and have always been active in other civic organizations in our community and region. For six years after college, I was a fighter pilot in the USAF. I flew a combat tour in Southeast Asia in the A-1 Skyraider and later was an instructor pilot in the T-38A Talon here in the USA. I have also held FAA commercial, multi-engine and instrument pilot ratings.
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