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briefcase icon L. Gregory Loomar Esquire
Practice areas
briefcase icon Business and Commercial Transactions 40%, Commercial Litigation 30%, Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution 15%, Corporations and partnerships 10%, Residential and Commercial Real Estate 5%, Business & Commercial Law, Business Organizations, Contracts, Franchising, Mergers & Acquisitions, Mediation, Lending & Secured Transactions, Loan Workouts, Venture Capital, Business Successions, Closely Held Businesses, Corporate Governance, Directors & Officers Liability, Dissolution, Formation & Business Planning, Joint Ventures, Limited Liability Companies, Non-profit & Tax-exempt Organizations, Partnerships, Reorganizations, Shareholders' Rights, Trade Associations, Construction Liens, Employee Rights -- Employee, Employment Contracts -- Employee, Employment Discrimination -- Employee, Employment Contracts -- Employer, Employment Discrimination -- Employer, Wage & Hour Laws -- Employer, Whistleblower -- Employer, Wrongful Termination -- Employer, Living Wills, Powers of Attorney and Appointment, Alimony & Spousal Support, Prenuptial Agreements, Technology Licensing, Trade Secrets, Commercial Real Estate, Condemnation, Condominiums & Cooperatives, Conveyancing, Eminent Domain, Residential Real Estate
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Top-rated Alimony & Spousal Support lawyers in Boca Raton, Florida

We select best Alimony & Spousal Support professionals from highly rated firms in Boca Raton, Florida.

L. Gregory Loomar Esquire

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map icon Boca Raton, Florida
Practice areas
briefcase icon Business and Commercial Transactions 40%, Commercial Litigation 30%, Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution 15%, Corporations and partnerships 10%, Residential and Commercial Real Estate 5%, Business & Commercial Law, Business Organizations, Contracts, Franchising, Mergers & Acquisitions, Mediation, Lending & Secured Transactions, Loan Workouts, Venture Capital, Business Successions, Closely Held Businesses, Corporate Governance, Directors & Officers Liability, Dissolution, Formation & Business Planning, Joint Ventures, Limited Liability Companies, Non-profit & Tax-exempt Organizations, Partnerships, Reorganizations, Shareholders' Rights, Trade Associations, Construction Liens, Employee Rights -- Employee, Employment Contracts -- Employee, Employment Discrimination -- Employee, Employment Contracts -- Employer, Employment Discrimination -- Employer, Wage & Hour Laws -- Employer, Whistleblower -- Employer, Wrongful Termination -- Employer, Living Wills, Powers of Attorney and Appointment, Alimony & Spousal Support, Prenuptial Agreements, Technology Licensing, Trade Secrets, Commercial Real Estate, Condemnation, Condominiums & Cooperatives, Conveyancing, Eminent Domain, Residential Real Estate

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